Sunday, May 25, 2008


This is a PLSS (Public Land Survey System) map of Colorado Springs, CO. Beside is a zoomed-in section with lable. The PLSS map is based on a meridian, and then 6 mile squares are sectioned off, creating 36 sq mile townships. The townships are further divided into smaller sections. A couple of friends of mine recently moved to Colorado Springs and they are finding the township thing interesting.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cadastral Map

A casastral map shows land ownership. A quick check on our local property appraisers website brought us to our own property. This particular map is informative and helpful. The site shows owner history, purchase price, assessed value and tax value. This is also a great way to learn about the area you live in.

Thematic Map,348

A thematic map is a map that represents a certain set of data. This thematic map represens the population by state of the United States. This data is the estimated population for 2006 using extrapolated data from the 2000 US Census. According to this estimation in 2006 there were over 299 million people in America. California, while a large state, accounts for over 10% of the overall population.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Topographic Map

Mt. Rainier (pronounced ra-neer)...To the right is a topographic map of Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The highest peak of the Cascade Range, Mt. Rainier's peak is 14,411 ft. It really stands out because the surrounding mountains are below 5,000 ft. The picture below is the view of Mt. Rainier from Tacoma, WA.

I was stationed at McChord AFB in Tacoma, WA from 1994-97. We flew into the area at night and had no idea this would be the view we would be welcomed with in the morning. Being a Florida native, it is needless to say, this mountain is awe-inspiring.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Planimetric Map

A planimetric map only shows a horizontal depiction, without reguard to elevation. This is also known as a line map.
I chose this map of Fort McHenry because I explored the historic fort with my children recently. This map is very linear but does not give the audience a true feel for the area. The water is actually about 4 feet below the sea wall. The fort sits on a small hill, (being a Florida native it seemed more like a mountain) with cannons in the side of the hill and ammo stores underground.

Mental Map

A mental map is a persons idea of what a certain space looks like. As all people are different, mental maps differ. A mental map can be a representation of just about anything.
I thought this mental map was kind of funny. It was done from a European perspective (not to say that it is correct) but this is this person's particular mental map of the United States. The geography is general and we have two "successful" cities: LA and NY (the city not the state) and one place to "herd the minorities". The rest of the country is owned by the Bush family. No doubt this map comes on the heels of Hurricane Katrina and the man-made disaster that followed the natural disaster.